The Class

This is an 83 minute live recorded class made available to the public. You will feel like you are sitting right there in the audience with the added benefit of being able to pause the recording whenever you need to in order to jot down your notes.

You have the ability to download the video for your own personal use and you will have lifetime access to this class once you sign up.

What you will learn

You will learn many things in this short but jam packed class including but not limited to:

-Brief history of Spagyria

-A bit about Paracelsus

-Multi dimensional nature of reality

-What the main items of Spagyric Pharmacopoeia are

-How to use and why to use each item of Spagyric Pharmacopeia


There are many items of Spagyric Pharmacopoeia that exist and all of them have different methods of preparation because the processes they go through and the items that remain as a result determine how each item of Spagyric Pharmacopoeia works. Some items are designed to work on the Physical Level, while others are designed to work more on Psychological and even Spiritual levels. Learn how and why you might choose to employ one item of Spagyric Pharmacopoeia over another as we outline at least six common and accessible classes of Spagyric Pharmacopoeia.


  How To Properly Use Herbal Spagyric Preparations
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Your instructor

Phoenix Aurelius brings a unique blend of self-taught expertise and passion to the mystifying realm of Alchemy, having immersed himself in its study and practice since 2005. Embodying the alchemical maxim "Lege, Lege, Relege, Ora, et Labora" – "Read, Read, Reread, Pray, and Work" – Phoenix has honed his craft through rigorous study, beginning with the works of contemporary authorities like Bartlett, Cotnoir, and Stavish, whose writings in modern English provided the foundation for his early experiments with humble kitchen instruments. He developed his practice over two years with these primal tools, sowing the seeds for his profound understanding of Alchemical Sciences.

In 2010, Phoenix's journey took a significant turn with the acquisition of an extensive collection of Hermetic texts, propelling him into the deeper waters of ancient medicinal philosophies. Captivated by the teachings of Paracelsus, he dedicated himself to reconstructing and revitalizing Spagyric Theory, Philosophy, Practice, and Pharmacopoeia for the current era. With a spirited commitment to both the esoteric and practical aspects of alchemy, Phoenix stands as a guide and mentor in this 'Intro To Spagyria' course, eager to illuminate paths once obscured and weave the ancient wisdom of Alchemy into the tapestry of modern-day holistic practices.