A Brief Outline of Spagyric Theory and Philosophy

Welcome To A Brief Outline of Spagyric Theory And Philosophy

In this Free Introductory Lecture, Students will have the opportunity to learn about the fundamental tenets of Spagyria and Spagyric Medicine in the context of courses included in the Phoenix Aurelius Research Academy.

This course consists solely of this single lecture which is a Slideshow Lecture where I introduce the critically important tenets of Spagyric Theory and Philosophy alongside the slides that you are viewing. I do not read from the slides, but rather I expound on the information that I didn't have room to include in each slide. The critically important notes, however, are contained on each slide so you can pause the video and read those at your leisure. For your convenience, I have also included a downloadable PDF file of all the slides so you can print them out and include them in a Three Ring Notebook or a folder or file for review at any point in the future.

To begin this lesson, click on the video below to start playing the lecture. It is roughly 1 hour and 50 minutes long, but you can pause the video and go through the information slowly and rewind the video to go over any concepts as many times as you would like. I am quite certain, unless you have prior experience, that this video will seem pretty chewy at first and there will likely be plenty of terminology that is used which I do not discuss fully in the lecture. If I don't take the time to fully discuss something, it is because it is a term that you will learn more fully in future modules and is not completely necessary to understand in order to move forward. That said, you will definitely get the most out of this lesson if you pull up any terms you do not know using an online dictionary in order to find their meaning as well as going through any other resources I might suggest in the Recommended Resources section of this lesson found below.

To complete this lesson, finish watching the video all the way through, download the PDF if you would like, please consider reading the book[s] in the Recommended Reading Section, and then take the Quiz. Once you pass the quiz, you will automatically receive a Course Completion Certification for this course: A Brief Outline of Spagyric Theory and Philosophy.

If you have any questions or comments, please include them in the Student Forum Below so everyone can see your question and the answers to them.

Video Lecture:

A Brief Oultine of Spagyric Theory and Philosophy

Downloadable Resources

Brief Spagyric Theory + Philosophy.pdf

Above is the PDF to the Slideshow I presented. Feel free to download it and print it. Please don't share it without first having written permission, though.

Dubuis, Jean - The Fundamentals Of Esoteric Knowledge.pdf

The Above Resource is called Fundamentals of Esoteric Knowledge by Jean Dubuis. Dubuis was the founder of <<Les Philosophes de la Nature>> [LPN] in France and also the inspiration for the North American organization called "Philosophers of Nature" [PON] in the United States and Canada. Dubuis was equally as well known, if not moreso, than Frater Albertus was in the latter 20 years of the 20th century. He didn't speak a great deal of English, so Patrice Malezé translated for him during the 1990's and Russ House and his wife at the time, Sue House, along with Frater Albertus' most tenured student, Jack Glass, carried out most of the rest of the Education of P.O.N. in English for North American Students. I am heavily influenced by both The teachings of Frater Albertus of the late Paracelsus Research Society [P.R.S.] as well as P.O.N.

This book contains twelve lessons on Esoteric Knowledge that should really be read and implemented by all students desirous of studying Alchemy and Spagyria. Without it, the student will find him/herself floundering a bit whenever Qabala or esoteric matters are discussed within Alchemical literature, especially in the Tradition of Rosicrucianism, which is historically the majority of the valid written works on the subject. In all of Jean Dubuis' other works, Including Volumes I + II of Spagyrics (A Practical Course In Plant Alchemy), Dubuis includes a lot of Qabalistic theory and reasoning to discuss the approach, methodology, inspiration, and reasoning for much of his work. He's not the only one; Qabala is intimately and indelibly intertwined in Alchemy of the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance. In fact, it is considered that in the Subject Matter known as "Hermetics" or "Hermeticism", there are three branches: Astronomy, Alchemy, and Qabala. To be an Alchemical Adept is to attain a certain working mastery of all areas of Hermeticism and in this way, Qabalistic Theory is very important.

This book contains all the critically important info that an aspiring neophyte needs to understand to BEGIN learning Alchemy properly. Without this, or equivalent experience in similar fields, a student will scarcely be much more than a base chemist, using very outdated and crude chemical techniques without further understanding of the Esoteric Significance of the Great Work.

It is strongly recommended that you use this work as a guide to accompany your lessons with the Phoenix Aurelius Research Academy. Though I teach my Spagyric Lessons in a way that is a bit more independent from Qabalistic Theory than Dubuis does, and therefore this resource is not absolutely mandatory or necessary, it is very strongly recommended and a student will get a LOT more out of the work they are performing should they read the lessons and perform the Lab-Oratorium Work in this book.

Recommended Reading

Critical Resources To Read

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Alchemy by Dennis William Hauck - This book is the most thorough introductory book on Alchemy that you can get. This book covers history, practical methodology, transpersonal applications, and other critical info that any beginning Alchemist and/or Spagyrist will find to be of value. As a neophyte, this is one of the most important books you could probably read. This book is STRONGLY Suggested to everyone taking this course.

Additional Recommended Resources To Read

Alchemist's Handbook: Manual for Practical Laboratory Alchemy by Frater Albertus - Frater Albertus is the 20th Century's most famous Alchemical Personality in the United States who was part of not only A.M.O.R.C's practical Alchemy Courses at Rosicrucian Park in San Jose, CA, but also was the Founder and Director of the late Paracelsus Research Society [P.R.S] in Salt Lake City, UT from 1960-1984. This book has been on the shelf of every Alchemist's Lab Library since it was written. Though we find that it offers too little information, and sometimes even poor practical techniques, it is aimed at beginning audiences and is made very accessible and easy to understand.

Spagyrics: The Alchemical Preparation of Medicinal Essences, Tinctures, and Elixirs by Manfred Junius - Manfred Junius was one of Australia's most prominent Alchemical Figures throughout the latter part of the 20th Century after having studied in Switzerland under the tutelage and instruction of Augusto Pincaldi. He founded Australerba, which still manufactures Herbal and Spagyric Products today. Whereas the Alchemist's Handbook offers too little information for those wanting to dive deep and gain a good understanding of Spagyric and Alchemical Practices, Spagyrics by Manfred Junius can sometimes go into TOO great of detail for beginners. Regardless, this book should sit on the shelf of any aspiring Alchemist or Spagyrist as it proves to be a resource that is turned to time and time again. It covers a wide range of Spagyric items of Pharmacopoeia along with theory and cosmology. Very great resource!

Real Alchemy: A Primer of Practical Alchemy by Robert Allen Bartlett - Robert Allen Bartlett is a truly gifted Alchemist whose work I admire greatly. I have had the opportunity to collaborate with Robert several times and can personally attest to the outstanding knowledge and experience he has. He was the Chief Parachemist of Paracelsus Research Society under the direction of Frater Albertus in the 1980's and has been both a Practicing Alchemist and Analytical Chemist during his career which has spanned 40+ years. He contains more knowledge and experience in his left hand than most people could hope to attain in their entire lives. Real Alchemy covers all the most important fundamentals of Alchemical Theory, Cosmology, Lab Practice, and More. In the 178 pages of this volume, you will find a distilled and condensed knowledge that will expose you to Alchemical History and Practices as they have been passed on in the tradition of the Paracelsus Research Society and elaborated upon by Robert's unique experience. This Primer is strongly recommended!

The Weiser Concise Guide to Alchemy by Brian Cotnoir - Though it stays true to its name and is very concise, this Guide to Alchemy contains all the essential info a student might actually need to begin navigating their way through the work. It is a great resource and excellent reference book, though it might prove to be too concise for some readers to fully grasp the concepts and methodologies discussed within. I strongly recommend getting a copy of this book if you are seriously interested in pursuing Laboratory Alchemy or Spagyria.

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